Redeem Your Voucher

Follow the steps below to redeem your tickets if you purchased a voucher.


Vouchers must be redeemed for a specific Date and Arrival Time before you can attend. Vouchers CAN NOT be taken directly to the event and used as tickets. Once you redeem your voucher, you will receive your official tickets with barcodes that can be scanned at the event.

  1. Locate your voucher codes on your voucher cards.
  2. Click the “Redeem” button located below these instructions.
  3. Select the Date and Arrival Time you wish to attend. This is the time you will need to arrive for your visit.
  4. Select the number of Fast Pass tickets you need to redeem.
    You can not upgrade your tickets when redeeming vouchers.
  5. Make sure to select the same number of tickets for your order that matches the number of vouchers purchased.
    If you would like to use some of your vouchers for a different day or time, you will simply place a separate order for that date.
  6. Click “Apply a Promo Code” above the credit card form. Enter your first voucher code on the checkout page and click APPLY. If you have multiple vouchers, enter each additional code one at a time.

Still Need Help?

Please contact us via email if you need any assistance.
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