Rules and Guidelines

Hey there!

Explore our House Rules for clear expectations. We aim for transparency and thoroughness to foster a positive staff environment. The list is continuously updated to align with business growth. Share your suggestions for rules, guidelines, or anything beneficial for success and staff cohesion.


For a more in depth and complete overview of the company, you can view the entire handbook by clicking below.

Rules and Guidelines

  • Honesty: Maintain trust through full transparency and honesty. Any dishonesty may result in disciplinary actions, including termination. Communication is constant among leads and the core team, so avoid bouncing between us to ensure accountability.
  • Communication: Communicate appropriately and understand that we may not be available 24/7. For smoother and quicker assistance, email questions and concerns ahead of events to Use this email for calling off the day of an event or reporting lateness; do not contact us on personal numbers or social media.
  • You Get What You Get: Flexibility is key. While we aim to accommodate your preferences, there may be nights where you’re assigned a different role due to various reasons. Please avoid arguing or displaying frustration; being flexible when needed is essential.
  • Truly No Small Scenes: Every scene is important. Your assigned scene doesn’t define your acting skills. If there’s an issue, we’ll address it directly and work together for a resolution. We don’t use scenes as punishment, and everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive in different roles. Have fun, believe in yourself, and remember that every scene contributes to the entire show.
  • Stay In Your Scene: Remain in your assigned scene. Avoid following groups or leaving without notifying someone. Communicate with your Performance Lead, Creeper, or grab a walkie before leaving your scene. If leaving for the night, inform someone to avoid search efforts in our large building.
  • No Electronics: No cell phones, electronics, or Air Pods are allowed in the attractions or during positions. Store them in lockers before entering. Feel free to use them in the cast lounge during breaks. Provide our business number, (614) 233-1552, for emergency contacts. Any phones or electronics seen in attractions will be immediately confiscated and returned at the end of the night without warnings.
  • Only Water and Sports Drinks are Permitted In The Building: Consuming sugary drinks while on the clock is strictly prohibited. This is to prevent dehydration, fatigue, stomach aches, and overheating. Unlimited water bottles and Liquid IV are provided for hydration. Sports drinks like Powerade and Gatorade are allowed. Other drinks (soda, energy drinks, coffee) will be confiscated and discarded. Drink your preferred beverages before arriving, but stick to water or sports drinks during your shift.
  • Snacks: Snacks are allowed, but leave no trace in your scene. Privileges may be revoked if evidence is found. Choose nourishing snacks if you bring them, but we also provide healthy snacks nightly!
  • Dress Code
    • Performance: All black with no visible logos. T-shirts or tank tops are allowed for hot nights. Pants should be long or capris; no shorts. Close toes shoes are required and not optional. You will be sent home to change or for the night if you are out of dress code.
    • Event Cast: Casual, clean street clothes with no inappropriate language or graphics. A provided shirt and lanyard are to be worn upon arrival.
  • Staff BathroomsStaff bathrooms are in back egress: Keep clean and stocked. We provide sanitary products, first aid, and essentials.
    • Makeup Removal: Use the sink near the fridge. Ponds Cream, Baby Wipes, and Alcohol provided for removal.
  • Breaks: Breaks: 10-15 minute breaks will be given periodically by Creepers and Designated Event Staff.
    • Details communicated at daily kick-off meeting.
    • Breakers take a mandatory break after everyone in their Zone has had a break.
    • You receive a stopwatch for timing; it’s your responsibility to return on time.
      • Breakers communicate lateness; no pay for late breaks.
    • Breaks are not mandatory, but missing may mean no break.
    • Use the opportunity for water, snacks, or bathroom.
    • Be patient with Creepers; use a Walkie for immediate needs.
      • Creepers are busy and may fall behind if multiple actors need attention at once.
  • Smoke Breaks: Smoking will not be permitted at all while you are clocked in. This includes your breaks. Smoke away before and after your shift, but not during operational hours.
    • Vaping is okay during your breaks but never in the attractions.
  • Injury or IllnessAlert someone immediately if hurt.
    • Fill out incident report and possible declination of medical treatment forms, regardless of injury size, for accurate records and proper care.
    • Going home due to injury/illness: Inform Leads, Creepers, or Costume Lead.
    • Reliable transportation needed; no sitting in cast lounge all night.
    • First Aid stations available in various locations; use them when needed and report low or out-of-stock items.
  • Hygiene: First and foremost, please make sure you’re showering. Wear deodorant. We have spray deodorant available to you in the bathrooms and changing rooms and will not hesitate to spray you down if we walk through your scene and smell you.
  • Be Respectful of Your Surroundings and Yourselves: This is a physical job, but prioritize well-being over pushing limits. Constant injuries indicate a problem.
    • Set Preservation: Respect the sets; time, money, blood, sweat, and tears went into them. Be gentle to avoid breaking props or sets. Clean up after yourself; keep the cast lounge tidy.
    • Set Etiquette: Avoid banging on walls, speaker scare buttons, or breaking anything. No holes or damages should exist at the end of the night. Do not tamper with lighting, sound, or music.
  • Relationships: They happen, but keep them consensual and professional.
    • Expressing interest is fine, but respect boundaries. Persistent pursuit leading to harassment results in termination.
    •  If a breakup occurs, maintain professionalism at work. If issues arise, employment may be affected.
    • Be mindful of staff age differences; inappropriate pursuits are not tolerated.
  • Staff Participation: All staff, including Performance, Event, Creepers, and Leads, must attend the daily staff meeting before opening each night, with no exceptions.
    • Ensures everyone is on the same page, allows time for questions and clarity before opening.
    • Pump Up Circle: While not required to participate, all staff must be present in the room to support and cheer each other on, fostering team spirit.
  • Take Care of Each Other: Support fellow cast members in distress both inside and outside attractions. Treat each other respectfully, communicate openly, and resolve issues directly. Avoid gossip and negative energy. If someone is hurt, provide help, but avoid swarming; one or two people can assist. Zero tolerance for harassment, inappropriate behavior, or sexual misconduct.